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A Unique Ethic

In its shelter activities, Sauvons nos Animaux practices a truly unique ethic.


​A thorough knowledge of the animal and a privileged relationship are established with each of our residents. The animals in the shelter are all given special attention. We know their history, their past, their character and their needs. They are more than a card affixed to the cage, they are family, our dogs and our cats; they accompany us day after day and are still part of the refuge, even after they have left.


​An opposition to the euthanasia of convenience of the animals entrusted to us.


​Animal non-marketing applied on a daily basis. We believe that each dog or cat is unique and requires adoption and a specific future environment. Through dialogue with potential adopters, we seek to find the animal that best suits their lifestyle, their expectations and their aptitudes in order to promote mutual development after adoption. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the adoption rate is still low due to a lack of awareness. But our animals can remain with us as long as they need to.


Broad and non-exclusive support. Our first mission is to respond to animal distress, without any distinction of race, age or behavior. The association will put in place the means to best respond to the most delicate situations, regardless of the cost of veterinary care or the investment and patience that will be required to replace the animal.

An innovative vision

Positive awareness and long-term action

Our association believes that the defense of the animal cause is a long-term action, centered on the human being, and that it is essential to make room for positive awareness.


​As an association for the protection of animals, it is our duty to assert our position on the place of animals in society. It is obvious that this question must be examined taking into account the safety and well-being of man, but it can and must also be considered by considering the animal at its true value, by respecting its needs and its rights. It is through the recognition and enhancement of the multiple and considerable benefits of the relationship between human and animal that we promote and defend the animal cause. It is no longer a question of dissociating the animal from society, but of integrating it, of establishing a real solid and harmonious cohabitation.


​Far from any guilt-inducing message, Save Our Animals is clearly positioned in favor of positive and constructive information and awareness-raising, allowing long-term work with tangible results. Currently, these objectives are materialized by the organization of conferences, events, educational visits and workshops, by a presence within decision-making bodies and by information to the general public.

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