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Adoption is not to be taken lightly. It must be a well-considered decision. You must be ready to take on the animal no matter what. For this purpose, we invite you to browse this questionnaire   and possibly bring it with you when you visit the refuge.


We may not offer a well-trained dog, or a special breed you may want, or a cat that doesn't scratch--our shelter animals may not be "perfect" animals… We offer sensitive beings for adoption, with a past, and who will probably require time to adapt. We can't guarantee that they will be “perfect”, but we can assure you that they all deserve to find a home, one that will love them as much as they give love.



Your commitments


In the event of an adoption agreement, we sign together an adoption contract which has real legal value.
Adoption is a transfer of responsibilities. The shelter remains the secondary owner of the animal until its death. This means if you can no longer care for the animal, he or she must be returned to us.

You will, of course, have the obligation to take care of the animal and to treat him with gentleness and respect throughout his life. You will also have to commit to other points:

  • Have your pet vaccinated every year at the veterinarian of your choice;

  • Have him sterilized if this has not been done at the shelter (most of our animals do not leave the shelter without being sterilized, but in rare cases we may adopt out a pet with the agreement that within a certain amount of time, the pet will be sterilized and the adopter will show us proof of surgery);

  • Do not give her away, transfer or sell her;

  • Accept the visit of one of our representatives and agree to show him/her around the places where the animal lives;

  • The animal must be able to live in a home, in the house, with you. He cannot be kept in a kennel or tied up continuously. Our animals are meant for pets, not to be adopted solely for guarding (dogs) or mousing (cats).



Sauvons nos Animaux


While the act of adopting is a deliberate act, the adoption procedures are quite simple.

During your visit to the shelter, our team will inform you about the history, behavior and needs of each animal that may be suitable for you. Then, if you want to adopt one of them and your profile matches the animal and our expectations, we sign an adoption contract together and you can, in most cases, leave with the dog or cat.


If you already own a dog and want to adopt a second one, bring your dog with you to see if the two get along. Sometimes the shelter environment is stressful, and it's not a good place for introductions. We can arrange a meeting spot that suits everyone.
Bring an identity card for any adoption. Payment possible in cash or by Bancontact.


The adopted

  • Is in order of vaccination;

  • Has received antiparasitic treatment;

  • Is spayed/neutered;

  • Is microchipped and registered;

  • Was seen by a veterinarian (check-up).


Participation fee

  • Kittens and adult cats > $50

  • Puppy (- 6 months) > $100

  • Dog > $100 (if we have an agreement with you to use your own vet for spay/neuter surgery)

  • Neutered dog > $170

  • Sterilized female dog > $190

  • Dog rescue > minimum $80 (if you need our assistance to rescue a dog)


The contribution to costs includes

  • Animal's documents

  • Microchip and animal registration

  • Administrative costs and taxes (VAT)

  • A “Save Our Animals” membership card valid for one year

  • Sterilization surgery

  • Much happiness 


Everything is done to help the adopters.


Careful selection is necessary in order to avoid fanciful thoughts about pets and dubious motives. An animal already traumatized by its abandonment and mistreatment should not risk a new failure and this is the reason why a serious questionnaire is imposed on the adopter. We ask about the potential adopter's work, his schedules, his way of life, his family,… everything is scrutinized to avoid failure and to do our best to place the animals in conditions best suited to their temperament.


Sauvons nos Animaux (Save Our Animals Association)  does not receive any state subsidy and only exists thanks to the generosity of donors. It is also thanks to you, that every year, many of our abandoned animals, sometimes also mistreated, find a new family.


For any adoption, the shelter is open from 2:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday, Sunday included, as well as on public holidays (for puppies only: Wednesdays and Saturdays). Proof of address and ID will be required.


We do not sell animals. The payment requested during an adoption is not a sale price but a financial contribution to the operation of the shelter in order to allow the care of all the animals collected.


Please come to the shelter to see our animals available for adoption. For all requests, please download this form  and return it to us at the email address:

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